Please join us and special guests for a proclamation presentation to celebrate the official naming of Okîsikow (Angel) Way. Okîsikow Way honours all women and gender diverse people who have experienced violence and those who continue to suffer along with their families. GBV (gender based violence) continues to impact the lives of women, gender diverse people, and children from all walks of life and all communities. Co-hosted by CEASE (Centre to Empower All Survivors of Exploitation & Trafficking), the City of Edmonton, and the OCICIWAN Contemporary Art Centre. The event will begin with a short program at 12PM and conclude by 2PM with refreshments and snacks. At 2PM, OCICIWAN and SNAP (@snapgallery) will host a screen printing patch workshop in kamâmak nihtâwikihcikan garden. Create your own Okîsikow Way patch! This workshop is free and open to all skill levels.